As finals week is quickly approaching projects have been stacking up one on top of another. It has been crazy with the amount of group projects that AME professors assign at the end of the semester. Yesterday when I walked into my first class, my professor announced that he will be assigning another homework assignment that will be due Friday. So why am I writing about this for my Famous Last Words? I am a senior in Mechanical Engineering. I have survived many Finals weeks. Each finals week is the same as the other. Just some tips that I have learned from past finals weeks. Do not pull an all nighter before an exam. If you really need to, do two nights before. Sleeping will improve your score because you will be of sound mind and can think better. Luckily this semester I only have two finals that are next week. This class ends Friday, but I hope to finish it up today. I have to turn in my final solids lab, and present my lab on Thursday morning. I have to turn in my final technical writing paper next week with my group. My last tap performance will be Friday during class. That means on Monday I will take my Finance Exam, and Friday, I will be taking my Numerical Methods exam. All of this connects with what I have learned from this class. It is easier to get through these busy times when you take time and work ahead in your classes. For example, My solids lab and presentation are already finished. We just have to go over the presentation one more time before Thursday morning. I have finished up my technical writing project so it is ready to turn in. I am waiting for my Numerical Professor to post our last homework so I can finish it up! Well I hope your finals week goes well! Good Luck!

There's a chance of surviving finals week.