One-day Josh and Lilly decided that they needed a vacation. They couldn’t decide on where they wanted to go, Josh wanted to get away from people and go camping, while Lilly wanted to be on a beach somewhere in Mexico. After talking it through they decided to compromise by going to a cabin. They went online and found a great place that was in the middle of nowhere. They both agreed this was the place they wanted to spend their vacation. They packed their bags and headed toward the Cabin. Once they got to there they were surprised to see that the cabin was pretty much deserted. It was covered in cobwebs and there was dust on all of the furniture. It looked like there hadn’t been anyone there in a few years. After finding the key that was hidden in a flowerpot near the front door they took their bags inside, packed some lunch, and set off to explore the property. They headed off to find the perfect place to have a picnic lunch, they found a big empty space that would be the perfect spot for lunch. They sat down and started eating, then all of a sudden they heard something coming up behind them. Before they knew it there was a bear coming towards them. They took off running and ended up finding what looked like another abandoned building. They quickly got inside and barricaded the door so the bear could not come in. Once they felt safe they started exploring the building. They walked into the first room and found a Bunsen burner going with some kind of chemicals boiling. Then Josh said, “Hello? Is anyone here?” while looking around to see if he could see anyone. There was no answer so they kept walking to see what else they could find. They walked into the next room to a desk full of blueprints that were of the county jail. They were surprised to see such elaborate plans in such an unordinary place. They were looking at all of the details leading to an underground tunnel leading to a cell in the jail when someone jumped out from behind them and hit them over the head with a baseball bat, knocking them unconscious. When they woke up they found that they were chained to chairs in another room with two guys staring at them. Lilly asked, “Where are we? Who are you? And Why are we chained to these chairs?”. One of the guys named Luke answered, “You don’t need to know who we are, you just need to know we have one rule. That rule is you stay quiet.” Then they turned around and left the room. After they left Josh looked around the room for any details of where they might be when a poster on the wall caught his attention. It was a picture of what looked like Luke when he was a little bit younger, after seeing the picture he noticed that not only was it a picture but it was a wanted poster for a murderer. He nudged Lilly and motion with his head toward the sign. That was when they realized that they were in a serious situation. Josh knew he had to get Lilly out of there and protect her from whatever their plan was. Josh studied the room carefully, he noticed that there was a knife on the table to his right and an air vent that lead outside right in front of them. He slowly started inching the chair towards the table so he could retrieve the knife, once he got the knife he used it to pick the lock that was on the chain. Once he freed himself he freed Lilly. He got the vent open and when they got out side Josh whispered to Lilly “Lilly I love you, but I need you to run back to the cabin and call 911.” She tried to get him to come with her but he told her, “I needed to find out more information about Luke and his friend.” He took off to see if he could find out where the guys went. When he looked around he noticed that they weren’t in the abandoned laboratory anymore, he was at another building. This building didn’t look like a shack like the other buildings they had ran into before, this place was taken care of. All of a sudden he heard Luke talking and he was about to come around the corner. Josh found a tree and quickly scrambled up the tree so he would not be caught. Luke and his friend came around the corner and sat on the porch. Josh soon realized that this place is their criminal hideout. After dark Luke and the other guy headed off to what Josh guessed was the abandoned laboratory. After he was sure he wouldn’t get caught Josh took off toward the direction he thought the cabin was in. After a couple of hours of wondering around in the Josh found the Cabin. He walked inside to find Lilly who had an arrow aimed towards him, after Lilly saw it was him she put the bow down and ran up and gave him a hug. Shortly the cops showed up at the cabin and Josh lead them to where the criminals hideout. They found Luke and Greg and made a surprise attack ending with them being hauled off to jail. Josh told them about the blue prints that they had found in the abandoned laboratory. When the cops were done questioning Josh and Lilly they thanked them and told them to enjoy their vacation. When they got back to the cabin Josh and Lilly decided that they didn’t want to stay there anymore. So they packed their bags and set off for Mexico.

The layout of the property the story is based off of.
Author's note: I used the Map of the Area Surrounding our Holiday Home by Tom Gauld to build my story. I used motifs from the map to help plan out and set events that happened within his settings.
Bibliography: Map of the Area Surrounding our Holiday Home, by Tom Gauld.
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