I have watched this video multiple times and always find it motivating! So Some of the other things that I found when looking at surviving finals week were:
As finals week is quickly approaching projects have been stacking up one on top of another. It has been crazy with the amount of group projects that AME professors assign at the end of the semester. Yesterday when I walked into my first class, my professor announced that he will be assigning another homework assignment that will be due Friday. So why am I writing about this for my Famous Last Words? I am a senior in Mechanical Engineering. I have survived many Finals weeks. Each finals week is the same as the other. Just some tips that I have learned from past finals weeks. Do not pull an all nighter before an exam. If you really need to, do two nights before. Sleeping will improve your score because you will be of sound mind and can think better. Luckily this semester I only have two finals that are next week. This class ends Friday, but I hope to finish it up today. I have to turn in my final solids lab, and present my lab on Thursday morning. I have to turn in my final technical writing paper next week with my group. My last tap performance will be Friday during class. That means on Monday I will take my Finance Exam, and Friday, I will be taking my Numerical Methods exam. All of this connects with what I have learned from this class. It is easier to get through these busy times when you take time and work ahead in your classes. For example, My solids lab and presentation are already finished. We just have to go over the presentation one more time before Thursday morning. I have finished up my technical writing project so it is ready to turn in. I am waiting for my Numerical Professor to post our last homework so I can finish it up! Well I hope your finals week goes well! Good Luck!
I like the idea of having more stories that have audio recordings. For some of the units it was a struggle to get through the reading each week. There were multiple weeks where I would get started with the reading and just couldn't finish, or start a new unit because I just couldn't read anymore. I know that when I read the Brer Rabbit stories, it really helped having someone read it with me. That helped me catch more of what was happening in the stories so I could write a story based off of what I read. I think that changing the review weeks to planning weeks would be really helpful. When we started this semester, it took me a couple of weeks to get the hang of what we were doing and how the course schedule worked. I think that this idea would be an advantage to those who haven't taken a course like this yet.
The first story was about three brothers. The two older brothers wanted to kill the ants, Cook 2 ducks, and burn the ants. The youngest brother saved the ants, duck, and ants from his older brothers. They were given a task to find 1000 pearls by night and the two older brothers failed so they turned to stone. The youngest brother was helped by the ants, ducks, and queen bee to finish the tasks.
The second story was about a king who was engaged to a girl, but on his father's death bed he promised to marry another Princess. The first fiance was so upset she had eleven girls that looked like her rounded up. They dressed like huntsman and decived the king for a while. One day the fiance couldn't stand the bride and fainted. The prince went over and took her glove off and figured out who she was. He then married her.
The third story was about a fairy who lived in a castle who turned girls into birds, and guys were frozen until they promised not to come back to the castle. One day Jorinda was turned into a bird, Jorindel wept. He went to a near by town because he was too ashamed to go home. One night he had a dream of how to save his love, he follwed the steps in the dream and set all the girls free.
The forth story was about a horse who had turned old and was told he would no longer be taken care of so he had to leave. He came across a fox who helped him get his master to let the horse live ther and be taken care of.
The fifth story was about 12 princesses who would be out all night dancing and wore holes in their shoes. The king wanted to figure out why this was happening. Many Prince's tried to figure out this mystery, but none of them could. Then one day a dame told an older solider no to drink the wine and gave him an invisibility cloak. He found out where they went and married the eldest princess.
This sixth story was about two brothers, one who was rich, and one who was poor. The poor brother became friends with the king and the give gave him more riches than the other brother could compare with. This made the rich brother mad. He set up a plan to kill his brother, but when it was taking action someone came along and ruined the plan.
The last story was about a bear that had hurt the Wren's feelings. The Wren's decided there would be a war against all flying creatures, against all land walking creatures. The flying creatures won, and the bear had to come beg the children for a pardon
Bibliography Grimm by Grimm Brothers
The Queen Bee
The Twelve Huntsmen
Jorinda and Jorindel
The Fox and the Horse
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
The Turnip
The Willow-Wren and the Bear
The first story was about a Prince who had been turned frog by a fairy. The princess was down near the water where he Prince had been staying when she dropped a ball of gold into the water. She said she would give everything to have that ball back. The frog retrived the ball and told her he just wanted her to take care of him. After she was told by the king since she had given the Frog her word she had to follow through the frog stayed with her for 3 days. The morning after the third night the Prince had changed back into human form and they were married.
The second story was about Rapunzel. The queen needed rampion or else she would die and the king went to get some for her. While he was there he was caught by the enchcantress and promised her their first child for some rampion. She then took the girl and locked here in a tower where only she could get up. The king's son heard the song of Rapunzel and went to see her. He followed the way he had seen the enchantress asscend the tower. One day Rapunzel let it slip that the son was coming to see her. The enchantress took her to a dessert and decieved the boy to where he was blinded. He wondered around for years until he wondered into Rapunzel.
The third story was about a bean, a straw, and a coal escaping their deaths. They were adventuring out to find new land when they came to a brook. The straw stretched himselve out and the coal started to cross but stopped because it was scared and burnt a whole and the straw and coal ended up in the water. The bean burst from laughter. A traveler came and sewed the bean back together and that is why beans have seems.
The next story was about a mouse, bird and a sausage. The bird got greedy and thought he did all the work, so he told the sausage and mouse they were going to switch jobs. While the sausage was out doing the brids job a dog ate him. When the mouse was cooking it got into the pot like the sausage and died. The bird caught the house on fire and went to get water, but dropped the bucket down the well. When he went to get it he got stuck and drowned.
The next story was about a donkey, cat, dog. and crow. They were all old and being threatened about being put down. They all ran away. They came across a house that was being robbed and scared the robbers off. One of the robbers came back, but again they scared the robbers off.
The next story is about Elise who was so clever that Han's decided to marry her. One day Han's asked her to go out into the field and do some work. Instead of doing work, she ate and slept. Han's went to check on her and found her asleep. He put a net with bells on it around her and she went through town trying to figure out who she was.
The last story was about Briar Rose, who's parent's had not invited one of the thirteen faires to the baby shower. This caused a spell to be placed on the castle and when the princess turned 15 everything stood still for 100 years. Princes tried to come and free her but would be killed. On the day of her 115 birthday a prince came and set them free. She then married the prince.
Bibliography Grimm by the Grimm Brothers
The Frog Prince
The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
The Mouse, The Bird, and The Sausage
The Travelling Musicians
Clever Elsie
Briar Rose
Here are the stories that I have added to my portfolio. They all are basically a different type of stories. I can't pick a favorite, but the ones that I worked the hardest on were Destination Destroyed, and All Alone. I hope you enjoy my stories.
Destination Destroyed
When Claire's city is destroyed, what will happen to her future?
At the beginning of the semester I download the canvas app. I really enjoy using the Canvas app because it is so easy even if you are trying to access it fro your phone. I like how it shows you a calendar view to show you when something is due. I also like how it lets you see your messages from your professor on the app. The one thing I wish is different is this is my only class that is on canvas this semester. I wish all of them were so everything was all in one place. I really enjoy canvas and can't wait until all classes are on canvas!
This week when writing my storytelling post I expanded to trying a new type of writing. At the beginning of the semester our professor gave me an idea of taking a country song a writing a story to the music. So I decided that this was the week to give it a try. This past week I have had three songs on replay. One of the songs was Love Triangle by Raelynn. This song was stuck on my brain when I was trying to read through the stories this week. Once I got to the story tattle coat I couldn't get the song off my brain. I then came to the realization that the song was about being split between parents, and the story was about not having parents around. This is when I realized it was my week to try something new. I think my new story writing idea went pretty well. I have some wording that doesn't flow real smoothly, but I am definitely trying to work on it. I think it went over so well that it will be the next story I add to my portfolio. I am just going to wait and see what the feedback is from my classmates this week.
This quote really stood out to me when I was going through the different options. I feel like I am horrible abour pausing before I say anything. There are defiantly times when I regret what I have said and there is no way that I could take this back. I don't like that feeling when I regret things because I don't take the time to think about things before I jump off and say something.
This week I used a song and changed the words where it would tell
the story of Tattercoats. I enjoyed reading this story. I have always loved
music so I thought I would try something different. Warning: some of the lines
are a little bit of a rough fit to the music so they don't flow as well as I
would like. I kept thinking of how the girl in the song is kind of torn because
she's always on the move. In the story, however, the girl isn't on the move.
She has only one friend and the nurse that takes care of her. On the day she was born, her mother died
during her birth. Her mother was her grandfather’s favorite daughter. He blamed
the death of his daughter on her and never wanted to see her face. Instead of a
wicked stepmother, the girl is raised by the nurse who was there when she was
born. The nurse tries her best to help her. She has one other friend, the goose
hand. She spends time with him when she can. They were on their way to the castle when they met her true love. The
song I used for this story is called Love Triangle by Raelynn. It talks about
how divorce can be hard on a kid. It is one of my favorite songs for the
moment, so while I was reading Tattercoats, which is pretty much a different
version of Cinderella, I couldn't get this song out of my head. That is how I
came up with this idea. Please let me know what you think.
Sitting on the sofa
Looking out the window
Wishing for a family to
To share a life with
Wondering why she is all alone
Grandpa staring out the same old window
Wishing he could change some past events
His whole world turned upside down
He can't look at her at all
Not moving from his spot at all
The Nurse is there
To take care of her
And she does the
Best that she can
Some mommas and daddies
Can't be there for their kids
It's not by their choice
The kids grow up without a parent's love
Sometimes no one can fill that place
And then they get stuck
Being all alone
One day a word was spreading through town
The Prince was coming back to the kingdom
He was looking for a girl
Someone to be his wife
Grandpa heard and moved from the window
Not missing a chance to go to the ball
One day the girl was running to the palace
Her friend the gooseherd was there for her
She was dressed in a tattered robe
When they ran into a man
He asked directions to the palace
She told him to tag along
Then he asks her to accompany
Him to the event
Where he will announce
She will be his bride
Some mommas and daddies
Can't be there for their kids
It's not by their choice
The kids grow up without a parent's love
Sometimes no one can fill that place
And then they get stuck
Being all alone
She asks him why me
He says she sweet
She thinks he's kidding
He tells her he will be
Expecting her at midnight
He can't wait till she's his wife
Some mommas and daddies
Can't be there for their kids
It's not by their choice
The kids grow up without a parent's love
Sometimes no one can fill that place
And then they get stuck
Being all alone
She shows up to the ball
He runs to her side
He takes her to the front of the crowd
He tells the King
That he's found his bride
The king is surprised
He asks the Prince are you sure?
The Prince responds
Says there is no one else
The King smiles and
Tells him congratulations
And the girl is surprised
She didn't know he was the Prince
He hugs her tight while she cries
Some mommas and daddies
Can't be there for their kids
It's not by their choice
The kids grow up without a parent's love
Sometimes no one can fill that place
And then they get stuck
Being all alone
Grandpa moved from in front of the same old window
He can't see the girl's face
Depressed that he can't see the beautiful view
He can't look that way at all
He moves in to another town
The Prince and the Princess
Go on about their lives
She's so happy to be by his side
Things have never been this good
She's no longer alone
The first story is about Newtown, which was infested with rats. They had tried a lot of different ways to get rid of the rats but nothing was working. Then the Pied Piper came to town and played a song to get rid of all the rats. When the Mayor didn't pay the Pied Piper the Piper took the children of the town away from the town and they never came back.
The second story was about a girl who was to be hung if she lost a golden ball. She ended up loosing the golden ball, and her sweetheart came to the rescue maiming giants and retieving the golden ball so she was not hung.
The third story was about a girl who pretty much had no family and only two friends. One of her friends talked her into going to see the king and see agreed. Along the way a gentleman asked the way to the palace and joined them in their journey, where he asked the girl to be his bride. When the clock struck twelve the girl entered and the prince announced her as his soon to be wife.
The forth story is about Johnny Gloke. He killed 50 flies with one swat. He killed two giants by turing themselves on each other. He also scared off a band of rebels.
The fifth story is about Scrapefoot which is pretty much the story of Goldie Locks and the three bears.
The sixth story is about is about a witch and two little girls. The first girl was helpful to everything and everyone who came up along her path and the second sister wasn't. The first sister ended up being protected and rich while the second sister was beat and sent home with no money.
The last story is about a man who had spared a tree for a fairy who promised him three wishes. When he got home he told his wife and asked for dinner and it wasn't close to being done and he wished that there would be pudding infront of him and it appeared. He spent all three of his wishes on pudding.
Bibliography: English Fairy Tales
The Pied Piper
The Golden Ball
Johnny Gloke
The Old Witch
The Three Wishes
Well this week started off pretty well. Back in September I attended the Engineering Career Fair here at OU. Attending this career fair gave me a chance to network with some well known companies in the engineering field. During the 4 hour event I was able to talk to twelve different companies that have opportunities for my major. During this time I went looking for a company that I would like to intern for this summer. This was the first time I had ever been to a career fair, I was really nervous. I started off at a company that I had talked to at lunch before so that it was a familiar territory. While I was there I talked to a company I was really interested in working for, PEC, which is a Professional Engineering Consultant company located in Oklahoma City. After talking to the representative about why I would like to work for PEC and opportunities PEC held for me I was super excited to get to talk to them in the future. Well fast forward to the end of last week, I was excited to find an email in my inbox from a manager at PEC! I ended up talking to the manager back and forth where at the end I accepted an offer to work with PEC in their Oklahoma City branch. I was thrilled to find out that they wanted me to intern for their company next summer. I can't wait to see what opportunities this internship will hold for me next summer. I look forward to having the skills that I have been learning for four years put to use, where I can also learn more about the way the engineering business world works. That is how my week turned out and it ended on such a happy note!
For my challenge this week I chose the Pomodoro technique. I always have a hard time deciding when to take a break. I really enjoyed this challenge and think I will stick with it. It is really easy and it also keeps you from getting burnt out on working.
Pomodoro Technique
By: Laura Gibbs Blog
The fist story is about a school full of boys. One of the smaller boys is the smartest of his class and never does anything wrong. One day the other boys decide to come up with plans to get the boy introuble. After many attempts and failures, the boys decided to kill the fathers prised robin and blame it on the smart boy. This plan ends up backfiring on them and they were nice to the other boy for the rest of time.
The next story was about a man who cared about all living things. He lived in the forest where he befrineded all of the animals that where there. One day soliders came and took some of the animals who didn't make a sound because their master was praying. They found out he was a christian and went back and captured him. They tried to drownd him but he could walk on water. Then they ended up beheading him.
The next story was about a man who was also friends with the animals. He made friends with some swans which was hard to do if they didn't know you. Then a guy that lived on the island controlled a lot of the grain that was produced. During a time of famish no one had food except the guy who had grain. Comgall went to him with a silver goblet and asked if he could get some grain and the man said no. Comgall told the mice what happened and they went to the place where the grain was stored and ate evey last piece.
The last story was about a monk who went to save a calf from a wolf. The wolf got to the calf before the monk so the monk told the mother cow and the wolf that the wolf would be the cows son and he should be kind and gentle to his new mother. Another thing that this monk did was save a boy's life by provideing apples and salad when they were out of season. The last thing that happened was a rich man was trying to destroy his monestary. He appealed to the king for protection, but when he went to visit the king he wasn't allowed in because of his clothing. After his acts the king sent him home with gifts and protection.
Bibliography: Saints and Animals unit
by: Abbie Farwell Brown
Saint Kentigern and the Robin
Saint Blaise and His Beasts
Saint Comgall and the Mice
The Wonders of Saint Berach
At one point in time women did not know that men existed and men did not know that women existed. There was an old man who came across the group of men and stayed with them for a while. Then he saw the women and went to talk to them. The women where scared of the man and ran away. The Old man then went to the woman chief and she sent a message through him to the chief of the men. The men responded to getting married and they all came to the women's camp. The woman chief went first to choose a husband, she chose the man that the old man described to her. He said no because she was covered in blood and he didn't recognize her. She went back down and changed and told everyone else that they could not choose that man because of what he did. He was the only man that was not chosen and this made him angry. He went and began to break down the piskun and the woman chief turned him into a pine tree.
The next story was about how the bobcat came to get its face and the birch tree came to get it's marks. The old man had roasted prairie dogs and ate until he fell asleep. When he fell asleep a bobcat came and ate the rest of the prairie dogs. When the man's nose finally woke him up he told him what happened and the man ripped the tail off the bob cat and smashed his face flat. The man was aggravated with his nose and burnt his nose, the birch tree saved his life so he made it pretty by gashing the bark with his knife.
The next story is about the horned grebe. The Old Man was walking near the river and the ducks asked him to play them some music, while he played a song he told them they had to keep their eyes closed or they would turn red. While he was playing the song he was killing ducks, one of the ducklings opened his eyes and saw what was happening and told everyone to run and that is how he became the horned grebe.
The next story is about a man who found a boy who was strong that he thought he would give his daughters hand's of marriage to. The father gave the boy all of his possessions except a lodge for him and his wife. The boy was helpful for a while but then became stingy. One day while they were hunting the boy missed the buffalo and only wounded it. The old man saw a clot and put it in his quiver, he took it home to cook and the clot turned into a baby boy. After four day the boy turned into a man. The man helped the father kill a buffalo, when the son-in-law found out that the old man had went to hunt he was angry. When he approached the old man the boy hid behind the dead buffalo but after a while came out and killed the son-in-law. He also punished the daughters, the youngest however received less because she helped her parents out. After that he went from village to village helping people who were being taken advantage of, he killed those who had done wrong to those people. He ended up destroying seven things that were bad.
Bibliography: Blackfoot Stories
By: George Bird Grinnell
The Smart Woman Chief
Bobcat and Birch Tree
The Red-Eyed Duck
Kut-O-Yis, The Blood Boy
For this weeks growth mindset challenge I made my own meme. I am trying to grow in a social aspect of life. That is why I made this meme. When in classes I don't like asking for help because I am not a very social butterfly. One of my friends told me it just takes stepping outside of your comfort zone to grow in that area. This is my goal to work on for the rest of the semester that will help me grow academically but also give me a skill I can use for the rest of my life.
In the first story the antelope and the dear were playing a game of I am better than you. In this game they bet their galls on who could run the fastest. The antelope won the deer's gall. The deer was a sore loser and said it was because they were on the antelope's home turff. The antelope agreed to race again betting their Dewclaws. The deer won the race in the timber. Since this time the deer has had no gall and the antelope has had no dewclaws. The second story is about a man who had two wives. They were not good house wives and the man often went hungry. The man moved the wives away from others to try to tech them how to become good wives. The man kept watch for buffalo and enemies. The women didn't like living in the middle of no where and plot to kill their husband so they could move back home. The wives dug a hole in the place that their husband use to sit. Once he fell in the hole they backed up their lodging and headed back to town. The wives told the people of the town that their husband had went out to hunt and had been gone for 5 day. A wolf came across the man who was hurt at the bottome of the hole. The big wolves took him in as their brother. The wolves turned him into a man wolf. He helped the wolves get meat and the people that the buffalo belonged to were wondering why their traps were not working. Then one night they figured out that it was a wolf man and they set a trap for him. The people realized that he was the man that went missing and that his wives needed to be punished. The next story is about the days when people could find no game on the praries. They found the man who had kept the game off the praries. They released them and drove them towards their camp. A raven detourd the animals before they made it to the plains. Then Napi decided to get revenge and pretended to be a dead beaver so he could catch the raven. He punished the raven and then set him free. The next story is about a man and a son who are mouring the loss of their wife and mother. The man goes on a journey to find his wife and bring her back with him. In his dreams he is given the directions to find his wife. To get his wife back he had to follow some strict instructions. If he didn't follow them he would lose his wife, or he would die. This is the legend of how the worm-pipe came to happen. The man broke one of the rules to having his wife back and she dissappeared and was never seen again. The next story was about when people were starving. A man caught a rabbit and sent his wife for water to skin it. On her way to the water she heard a beautiful song and stone to which she was given directions to bring back buffalo. They followed the directions and the buffalo returned. The next story is about how thunder came about. Once a man and a woman were struck by thunder. The man lived, but thunder took away his wife. The man went looking for his wife. He went through a long journey to find his wife. The ravens helped him recover his wife by telling him what to do. Once the thunder realized that he was more powerful than him he gave him the pipe to use and pray for rain for the berries. This is how the thunder pipe came to happen. The next story is about an old woman who killed Lone Feather. The woman and her two bears feasted on the man's body. The Cold Maker got angry and went to Broken Bow to have him help kill the bears and get back at the woman. The Cold Maker sent smoke from Broken Bows pipe to tel the other smoke not to come any lower. The woman was frustrated and came inside to see what was going wrong with her plan when Cold Maker and Broken Bow trapped her inside. Coldmaker sent a storm that would drownd the woman and the bears. The next story is about an old man who who gave a rock his coat because he took a nap on the rock. He thanked the rock by giving him his coat. It started raining and the man sent the coyote to borrow the coat. The rock denied this and the man went and took the coat saying he wouldn't give it back. The rock came to crush the man. He chased the man and many animals tried to save the man from the rock that were killed. Finally the bullbat saved the man. He then went to a nest of nighthawks and pinched their bills to make them look prettier. The next story was about how rocks and bullberries cam to be the way they are today. There was an old man who was being chased by a bear because he was calling it names. They ran around in circles around a rock for a long period of time and this is how rocks became the way they are. The man saw bullberries in the water and almost drowned trying to get to them. He then realized that they were on the shore and beat the bush becuase he almost drowned for them. The last story is about how the sun caught meet. An old man loved the leggings that the Sun used for hunting and tried to steal them multiple times. Each time however he always woke up in the Sun's lodge. The Sun gave him the leggings and the man set off. When the man tried to use the leggings they ended up catching on fire and burning to pieces.
Bibliography: Blackfoot Stories Unit
By: George Bird Grinnell
Two Fast Runners
The Wolf Man
The Dog And The Root Digger
The Camp Of The Ghosts
The Buffalo Stone
How The Thunder Pipe Came
Cold Maker's Medicine
The Rolling Rock
Bear and Bullberries
The Theft from the Sun
For the tech tip this week I decided to change my blogger profile. I removed my name from my posts, because I think that since it is my blog there is no reason to have my name on each post as well. Since the beginning of class my profile has always been included on my blog, so I decided to just leave it the way that it is. I have thought a little about my online identity. I don't post a lot of things on my online profiles because I simply don't have time to keep up with all of them. I also want to make sure everything I do post will not have an effect on my job in the future. I think your online identity is key to your future because everyone can see that side of your personality.
I was looking through the gallery of Growth mindset memes and came across this one. I really thought this was fitting to my week. I have been working on a lot of work this week and I feel like my brain is piecing all of the work in my classes together to form the connections between each subject. It is also making connections between internship offers that I have been receiving. That is why I picked this meme for my growth mindset challange.
One-day Mike and Molly decided they wanted to go on a hike. They set off on a trail up the side of the mountain towards the trails they had hiked many times. They found the trail and set off towards the top of the mountain. The morning sun was rising and they were excited to see what the day held for them. After a couple hours of climbing towards the top Molly was getting tired.
Molly asked Mike, “Can we take a break? This hike is really making me tired and the heat is not helping.”
Mike told her, “Try to get to the next break in the steep side of the mountain and we will take a break.”
So they continued to climb, after another twenty minutes of climbing up the mountain Molly turned around and asked Mike, “Can we please stop now? I don’t think I can walk much further without a break. This heat is ridiculous. I have an umbrella and we can sit in the shade.”
Mike thought about it for a minute and said, “I guess we can take a break, but let’s make it a short one. I want to get to the top and back down before sunset.”
They sat down and took a break. Before they knew it they were both asleep under the umbrella. Hours later Mike woke up, he suddenly realized that he had fallen asleep. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost 6:00 in the evening. He shook Molly till she woke up. They both couldn’t believe that they had fallen asleep for that long.
They gathered their things and started heading down the mountain. It was dark before they reached the bottom of the mountain. Once it got dark they were having a hard time following the trail that they had taken. Eventually they had to stop because they were lost and just walking in circles.
When the kids hadn’t shown up for dinner their mother got worried. After it got dark she went to her husband and he was rounding up dogs to go look for their kids. They sent their first dog who had been with them many years out first. After an hour or so the dog came back but the kids weren’t with him.
Next they sent out their hunting dog, he had been with the family for a while. The hunting dog went looking, he spent hours looking. He climbed back and forth and ended up getting himself lost on the mountain. After hours of the hunting not returning they didn’t know what to do. The only dog they had left was a puppy.
The husband told his wife, “Well I guess it never hurts, I am going to let Pup out and see if he can find the kids.”
The wife told the husband, “Pup is not old enough to go out on his own yet! We can’t do that!”
The husband said, “I have no other choice, our kids aren’t home, my hunting dog is lost, and it’s late in the night.”
The husband release Pup and Pup took off into the mountain.
After sitting there stranded for so long lost and confused Mike and Molly heard the bushes rustling. They were scared to see what was going to come and attack them, they closed their eyes and screamed. Suddenly Mike was attacked and on the ground with Pup licking his face. They were so happy to see Pup.
Pup lead Mike and Molly down the mountain where he ran into the hunting dog. Shortly after that they were back at the house where the parents were so happy to see their kids.
Authors Note:
I used the story of The Little Boy and Girl in the Clouds. Which is an Indian fairy tale about a little boy and girl who fall asleep on a rock, While they are asleep the rock grows. Their parents go looking for them but can't find them. Finally one of the animals tracks the kids to the rocks. All the animals try to reach the top to save the kids, but it is the smallest animal who ends up saving the kids.
The first story was about a boy who was a dwarf. The girl gathered all the food. The girl made the boy a bow. The boy killed 10 snowbirds to make him a coat. His coat shrunk in the heat of the Sun and he threatened the sun. He wanted a strong rope. He turned her hair into metal. Ken-eu woke the doormouse. The doormouse freed the sun. The next story was about O-jeeg. His son wondered if he could somehow bring the summer down from the sky. He talked to a squriel, who told him, "If someone could bring the summer down from the sky, it would be a true blessing." His father told him it was a dangerous task. They asked the spirit for sucess in their trip. They broke the sky and O-jeep was caught by the sky dwellers. The plow is O-jeeg in the sky. The last story was about Neen-i-zu, who was against hunting. She declared that there would be no suffering in the forest and no life could be taken in the forest. Her mother wanted her to marry a hunter who could take care of her. She didn't want to marry a hunter. She ended up leaving with the Evergreen Fairy on the day of her wedding and no one saw her again.
The first story talked about a main character named Iagoo. Iagoo told the children stories. He went on to tell a story about the North Wind. The next story was about fishermen who were scared of Ka-bib-on-okka. Shin-ge-bis was the only one who was not scared of the north wind. He challenged the north wind, and ended up beating the north wind. The next story was about a little boy and a little girl. They fell asleep on a rock near a stream. While they were sleeping the rock grew. It grew so tall that you couldn't see the top from the ground. When their parents came looking for them they couldn't find them. The coyote followed their trail to the rock. When they found out that they were on top of the mountain all the animals tried to rescue the kids. None of the animals could succeed. Finally a measuring worm made his way to the top of the rock. He guided the children down the mountain. Osseo and Oweenee were taken away from the Earth and in the end were returned to the Earth.
Bibliography: American Indian Fairy Tales
By: W.T. Larned
Iagoo, the Story-Teller
Shin-ge-bis Fools the North Wind
The Little Boy and Girl in the Clouds
The Child of the Evening Star
After reading through this lesson I found out that I have some areas that I am strong in and some areas that I am weak in. First I will talk about the areas I think I am strong in. One thing I believe I have a lot of is finding motivation myself. I don't like having to look to other praise for rewards. I think you have to be self motivated enough to do your own work. I spend a lot of my time worrying about my grades instead of worrying about learning the material. I try to always push myself to go further but sometimes it doesn't always work. In this class I try to stay inside my comfort zone. I can work on this by the way I write my stories for this class. I am already mentally preparing myself for things to change. In life I know there are a lot of changes that are fixing to happen and I am already working on mentally preparing myself for those changes. I am taking a long term view in life by trying to figure out where I want to be in 5 years. I am doing this by finding internships for next summer hat I believe will get me ready for the next few years. I really need to start asking more questions through out all my classes. I really need to focus on how to improve my skills and this will definitely help. I think I should work on my questioning skills this next part of the semester. I also need to start coming out of my comfort zone in my classes.
I think that I have been making great choices for my reading selections. My favorite stories that I have read are the Brer Rabbit units. I am not constant on my reading schedule as my schedule changes every week. There has been one week that I made no reading but I made up for it with the extra reading options! I think that as my notes have progressed it is easier for me to come up with stories to write about each week. I do think about story options while I am reading each story. It is kind of hard to wonder and focus at the same time though!
2) Writing
I am happy with some of the stories that I have wrote so far. They all could use a lot of work. I am not a very creative person. I also am horrible when it comes to writing papers. I usually have to have my friend proof read emails before I send them because I can read them out loud to myself and they will make sense but when she reads them they will not make sense. When I have a question I usually google the question or ask my friend for help. I really need to work on my grammar skills. I would also like to try different storytelling options. I think I need to use google translate to read my stories back to me more often.
The thing I like the most about looking at other people stories is the different writing styles. I don’t feel like I am creative enough to try different writing styles. I think I have been doing okay when giving feedback. Like I said I am not a grammatical person so it is hard when it comes to that type of feedback.