The next story was about a man who cared about all living things. He lived in the forest where he befrineded all of the animals that where there. One day soliders came and took some of the animals who didn't make a sound because their master was praying. They found out he was a christian and went back and captured him. They tried to drownd him but he could walk on water. Then they ended up beheading him.
The next story was about a man who was also friends with the animals. He made friends with some swans which was hard to do if they didn't know you. Then a guy that lived on the island controlled a lot of the grain that was produced. During a time of famish no one had food except the guy who had grain. Comgall went to him with a silver goblet and asked if he could get some grain and the man said no. Comgall told the mice what happened and they went to the place where the grain was stored and ate evey last piece.
The last story was about a monk who went to save a calf from a wolf. The wolf got to the calf before the monk so the monk told the mother cow and the wolf that the wolf would be the cows son and he should be kind and gentle to his new mother. Another thing that this monk did was save a boy's life by provideing apples and salad when they were out of season. The last thing that happened was a rich man was trying to destroy his monestary. He appealed to the king for protection, but when he went to visit the king he wasn't allowed in because of his clothing. After his acts the king sent him home with gifts and protection.

Saint Francis
Link: Laura Gibbs Blog
Bibliography:Saints and Animals unit
by: Abbie Farwell Brown
Saint Kentigern and the Robin
Saint Blaise and His Beasts
Saint Comgall and the Mice
The Wonders of Saint Berach
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