Brer Rabbit got Miss Bob White to get off her nest to go wash her dress while Brer Rabbit sat on her eggs. Brer Rabbit took the eggs and told Miss Bob White that the eggs walked off. Brer Rabbit rode Brer Fox to get a Hoss Brer Rabbit and Brer Buzzard are trying to catch Brer Fox while he is in a hole. After Brer Fox spent all day hunting Brer Rabbit tricks Brer Fox out of all the game he caught. If Brer Rabbit ever got tricked he sat down and planned out how to get even like he did with Jack Sparrer. Brer Fox tricked the sparrer into believing that he was deaf. Brer Rabbit tricks Brer Wolf into believing that there was a cow in the ground. Brer Bear tried to kill Brer Bull-frog and ended up missing because Brer Bull-frog hopped away before Brer Bear could pick up and drop his axe. Brer Rabbit lost his tail in the creek which is the reason why there are bobtail rabbits around today. Brer Possum lost his tail fur when he was trying to escape Brer Bear in the simmon's patch. Brer Bear gets his head stuck in a tree while trying to get honey because Brer Rabbit tricked him into putting his head in the tree. Brer Rabbit talked Brer Fox into taking his place after he had been caught by the farmer eating his vegetables. The farmer still went after Brer Fox because Brer Fox had been after his goose. Brer Rabbit came back and let Brer Fox go after he had been been once.

Brer Rabbit riding Brer Fox to get a Hoss
by: Joel Chandler Harris
Brer Rabbit and the Partridge Nest
Mr. Fox Is Again Victimized
Mr. Fox Goes A-Hunting
The Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow
how Mr. Rabbit Saved His Meat
Mr. Bear Catches Old Mr. Bull-Frog
How Mr. Rabbit Lost his Fine Bushy Tail
Why Mr. Possum Has No Hair on His Tail
The End of Mr. Bear
Mr. Fox Gets into Serious Business
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