The second story was about a girl who was to be hung if she lost a golden ball. She ended up loosing the golden ball, and her sweetheart came to the rescue maiming giants and retieving the golden ball so she was not hung.
The third story was about a girl who pretty much had no family and only two friends. One of her friends talked her into going to see the king and see agreed. Along the way a gentleman asked the way to the palace and joined them in their journey, where he asked the girl to be his bride. When the clock struck twelve the girl entered and the prince announced her as his soon to be wife.
The forth story is about Johnny Gloke. He killed 50 flies with one swat. He killed two giants by turing themselves on each other. He also scared off a band of rebels.
The fifth story is about Scrapefoot which is pretty much the story of Goldie Locks and the three bears.
The sixth story is about is about a witch and two little girls. The first girl was helpful to everything and everyone who came up along her path and the second sister wasn't. The first sister ended up being protected and rich while the second sister was beat and sent home with no money.
The last story is about a man who had spared a tree for a fairy who promised him three wishes. When he got home he told his wife and asked for dinner and it wasn't close to being done and he wished that there would be pudding infront of him and it appeared. He spent all three of his wishes on pudding.
English Fairy Tales
The Pied Piper
The Golden Ball
Johnny Gloke
The Old Witch
The Three Wishes

What happened to the three wishes?
Link: Laura Gibbs Blog
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