The article that made the biggest impact on me was
5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ. The main reason that this made an impact on me was because I always get defensive when it comes to taking feedback. Every time I receive feedback I feel like people are just tearing my work to pieces and it is really hard to take when you put a lot of time and effort into something and come out feeling like you got fed to the wolves who shredded your work to pieces. One thing I can relate to was from the
Difference Between Praise article is when they stated, "if you tell the kid they're smart and then if they fail they think 'Oh I'm stupid' my example is when I was in high school I was in AP English, my Freshman AP English teacher was giving us feed back on our book reports that we had done for our final project. She told me it was the best work I had done for her that semester, when she handed me the paper I was in shock to see it was the worst grade I had ever gotten. Ever since then I haven't liked taking feedback and it doesn't come easily to me to take feedback without becoming defensive. Relating the Difference article, if I would have gotten feedback like they suggested "You worked really hard" or anything besides telling me it was my best work, I wouldn't have thought I was stupid or my writing skills sucked. The tip that I took from the 5 Tips link above was to, "Find the positive intentions behind your deficiency, and notice where it's a strength" this to me is a change I need to make when taking feedback. One tip I learned to help give feedback was to "focus on what the reader is doing" (
Be A Mirror) When giving feedback I tend to look for things that aren't there that should be there. This is a tip I need to keep in mind if I give feedback. I hope my tips I learned impact how you take and recieve feedback.

If you have no critics you'll likely have no success.
Photo: Celestine Chua
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